Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Molly Takes over Sugarbaby's!

Molly has made several appearances on my blog, so I'm sure there are no introductions necessary for this adorable, precious, hilarrious, make-your-heart-melt little girl. :) I have been dying to shoot some pictures at Sugarbaby's for a while, and I just knew that Molly had to be my model! So, when this opportunity came up, I was super excited! Of course, I thought the highlight of the shoot was going to be giving her a cupcake at the end and capturing her eating it. But, Molly had different plans for us! She wasn't too thrilled with the whole eating a cupcake sitting on the floor idea. And unlike when she was a baby, she also wasnt too thrilled about sitting in one spot and letting me take pictures of her! :) BUT, in true Molly fashion, I was still able to capture some great photos, and I just always love her facial expressions! Can't help but smile! Enjoy! (and thanks Donna for letting me borrow your fabulous model!)

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