Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Brasher-Wells Wedding {St. Paul the Apostle/Nasa Hilton Wedding Photography}

You know the saying, better late than never…Well, here I am. 2014 was a whirlwind of a year for me, and my blog got a littttttle bit behind. Wendy and Jon just celebrated their 1 year anniversary this past Sunday, so I figured now was the perfect time to blog their wedding!!

This is actually the 3rd wedding I have shot for this family over the past few years, and I just love them to pieces! Right from the start, they treated me like family, and it has been that way every step of the way.

Wendy and Jon were married at St. Paul the Apostle church, and then had their reception at the Hilton Nasa. Everything was just beautiful, and this couple and their entire family is just SO. MUCH. FUN. You will see from the pictures that a good time was definitely had by all.

Favorite Wedding Moments:

-Jon (the groom), broke out in a rash from nerves before the wedding. It was so cute how nervous he was, and how worried he was about saying the vows correctly. But, there was some Benadryl involved. :)
-Jon also wrote "HELP ME" on the bottom of his shoes, so that when he knelt at the altar, everyone in the congregation would see. Glad we were able to snap that picture. :)
-Wendy and her dad had a beverage/toast at the bar before leaving for the ceremony. It was a really neat moment, and while I love all father/ daughter moments, toasting with a beer seems pretty awesome.
-Speaking of father/daughter moments, the father daughter dance was one of the best ever. I may or may not have cried a little.
-Spontaneous extended family photos during the reception. Could not stop laughing. See proof below.
-Karaoke at the wedding reception? Of course! The bride was first up, and it was pretty awesome.
-And my absolute favorite moment? The mother and father of the bride high fiving each other after the ceremony that they were finally free! hahaha.

Thank you guys so much for letting me part of your big day!

1 comment:

  1. We love you!!! Can't wait for you to do our baby photos one day! :-)
