Monday, February 3, 2014

Tyler+Emily Get Married! {Kyle House Wedding-Bryan, TX}

I now introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Hamner!

I was over the moon excited when Emily and Tyler asked me to capture their wedding- From the engagement photos at the Rodeo carnival, to Emily's bridals in Aggieland, to the first look under the Century Tree on the A&M Campus, right down to the wedding at Kyle House in Bryan. I just love Emily and Tyler and their entire family. SO. MUCH. FUN.

- The first look. Ahhhhh.When Emily mentioned to me she wanted to do a first look at Century Tree, I was giddy with excitement. I LOVE the Century Tree, and I love A&M, so of course we had to do this. Even though that meant them getting up and dressed way earlier than needed on the wedding day, it was SO worth it.
-I am now addicted to Fuegos in College Station. I blame Emily and her bridal party. That is all.
-Emily had a custom hanger made for her dress which is popular these days. But instead of her new last name it read WHOOP. Can you tell this was a serious Aggie wedding?
-When the ceremony started, just about the time Emily was walking down the "aisle" and got to Tyler, and the minister started to speak…the TRAIN came by. You could not hear anything. All they could do was laugh. Laughing and smiling at weddings is my favorite. :)
-Emily asked me to shoot the first kiss from behind them to get the crowd in the back. LOVE.
-They had JENGA pieces for their sign in, and everyone wrote a note on them. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea, and it was really cute. Of course I had to shoot their rings on Jenga pieces!
-Ok, now lets get to the cookies. The Aggie cookies. Oh. My. Goodness. These had to have been the cutest most delicious cookies EVER. Yes, I ate one. Or two. Ok, maybe I stuck another one in my camera bag.
-Instead of a grooms cake, they had PIES.
-The person who married Emily and Tyler was a very close friend. Well, he teared up, and started to cry during the father/daughter dance. Gets me every time.

So, you get the point. It was a pretty awesome wedding, with really awesome people. Gotta love Aggie weddings! :)

Congrats again you two! Thank you SO much for letting me share in your special day!


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