Friday, April 26, 2013

Keegan! {Tomball Museum District}

Everyone meet the adorable Keegan! I have known this little one and his mom since he was just a baby, so I was excited to finally get to do some pictures of him. He is quite the character! His mom, Kalista, just so happens to be an amazing hairdresser (and recently put Keratin treatment in my hair, which turned out AH-MA-ZING!), so if you need your hair done, you should definitely go see her!

Anyway, the reality of photography with kids is that it's not always giggles and smiles. You see the final images, but you don't always see the fits, crying, bribing, parents dancing and jumping up and down hysterically in the hopes of getting just ONE smile. It happens, and it happens often. Parents will often apologize to me for their child's behavior, and I reassure them and smile, because its nothing to apologize for. They are just kids. They all go through the age where they want to run and play, and posing for pictures is not in their agenda. Which is why I prefer more photojournalistic types of images, and enjoy chasing them and catching them laughing and playing. This was definitely one of those days. Mr. Keegan was just not in the mood. But SOMEHOW I managed to get some smiles and laughs out of him, and loved watching him just play, and do what boys do- jump, and run, and throw leaves, and make funny faces. And while I know it probably wasn't very funny to his mom at the time, I know some day she will look back and love the silly faces just as much as the smiling faces. :)

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